Mass Schedule

Saturday: 5 pm (English); 7 pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 9:30 am (English); 12 pm (Spanish)
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9 am
Thursday: 11:30 am


Confession Schedule

Saturday & Sunday:
One hour prior to each Mass

*Or by appointment. Please call office.



12 pm - 7 pm

Benediction 7 pm


Office Hours

Monday - Friday:
9 am - 1:30 pm

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Special Notices

If you would like to make a donation to the parish please click below. Thank you for your generosity.

Si quisiera hacer una donación a la parroquia marcar el enlace abajo. Muchas gracias por su generosidad.

About Blessed Trinity Church

901 River Road, Greer, South Carolina 29651
(864) 879.4225  |  (864) 655.5140

Nestled in the foothills of upstate South Carolina, Blessed Trinity Catholic Church was completed in 1985 through assistance from the Diocesan and the Catholic Extension Society, as well as the tireless efforts of many generous parishioners.

It has grown considerably over the years from its beginnings as a small community in 1974 to become a diverse, multicultural parish seeking to live out its mission in the Greer area as a reflection of the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Thanks to Our Website Sponsors

Mr. Salsa Tex-Mex Restaurant
5000 Old Buncombe Rd
Greenville, SC 29617
Tel: (864) 246-3307

Visit Mr. Salsa Become a Sponsor

Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

901 River Road, Greer, SC 29651
(864) 879.4225 (tel.); (864) 655.5140 (tel.)
(864) 879.4261 (fax)

Pastor Rev. Jose Gabriel Cruz Rodriguez, STL:
Deacon Samuel Aguilar:
Jeff Lawrence, Pastoral Associate:

Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

 901 River Road, Greer, SC 29651
 (864) 879.4225
 (864) 655.5140
 (864) 879.4261

Mass Schedule

Saturday: 5 pm (English); 7 pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 9:30 am (English); 12 pm (Spanish)
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9 am
Thursday: 11:30 am

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